This Concept Video Reimagines the macOS Desktop

German video editor Thomas Weinreich created a concept video that gets rid of the desktop metaphor on macOS. Replacing it is a user interface similar to what we get with the iPad. Windowed apps are replaced by full screen apps that can be displayed into multi-window Split Views. Like Ben Lovejoy said,  it seems like maybe it could be similar to what Apple is thinking of. However, I personally don’t believe the rumors of a macOS/iOS hybrid. Additionally, this concept paradigm doesn’t make sense on Macs that don’t have touchscreens. The macOS desktop metaphor might be aged, but I think it makes sense for devices that use a mouse or trackpad. What do you think?

APFS, Shutdown, Messages, and Notifications – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 720

Every time your two favorite geeks get together, something interesting happens: everyone learns at least five (5!) new things. This week’s topics include two very specific features of APFS (a pro and a con), noise-canceling headphones for travel, a solution to drives not appearing on your Desktop, some Cool Stuff Found, and much, much more. Press play or download and enjoy!

iMac Pro First Look: It's Crazy Powerful, but Not Upgradable

Apple just announced the iMac Pro will be available on December 14th, and MKBHD already has a first look video out for the new computer. After using the iMac Pro for a week he says it’s definitely a pro-level machine when it comes to power and performance, and it looks really cool, too. The big downside is that you can’t upgrade any internal components, just like Apple’s MacBook Pro lineup. Check out the MKBHD video to see more.