Recreation Time From NextDNS Mimics Apple’s Screen Time

I’ve written about NextDNS before; it’s my personal DNS service of choice. The company recently added a feature called Recreation Time.

Introducing Recreation Time — only allow some websites, apps and games during a specific time period each day of the week.

E.g., only allow Facebook, YouTube, Twitch and Fortnite on Wednesdays and Fridays between 6:30pm and 8pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays between 1pm and 8pm.

8 Year Old Finds iPhone Screen Time Workaround

An eight year old has found an iPhone Screen Time workaround, after her older brother noticed something odd (His post on Reddit has since been deleted).

It turns out she’d developed a pretty simple trick to keep browsing videos: just access YouTube through the iMessage App Store…For example, the Reddit post specifies that the eight-year-old in question was unable to access YouTube on the iPhone’s Safari app or even in the iMessage version of YouTube. The kid had to go to some lengths to figure out that she could access YouTube by searching for it in the iMessage App Store.

She’s a security researcher in the making.

Doing it Wrong With iOS Screen Time Limits

According to USA Today,

Some screen time is worse than others when it comes to kids and academic performance, according to a new analysis published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics.

Television viewing, followed by video games, were the two activities most tied to poor school performance, researchers showed in a review of 58 studies published over the decades.”

Other activities: not so much. This is a helpful article for parents.